The Status Flow Blog
Letting Go Of Some Of Your B.S.
Playing video games as a pre-teen and later a teenager was one of my favorite things to do. And I played them all. I shoved enough quarters to create what would now be a healthy retirement account into full-size, stand-up games in the arcade and logged countless hours over the years on the classics on the Atari 2600, Intellivision, Nintendo, and Sega game consoles. And, of course, I played the adventure games that gave our family PC (an AWESOME 8086) it’s primary purpose and something for my siblings and me to fight over (as if we needed it).
Do Less And Achieve More
My client, sitting across the desk at an accounting firm, laughed. They had just finished describing the challenges they were having keeping up with clients who were missing deadlines and/or submitting documents at the last minute, had unreasonable expectations and were, in their words, “high maintenance.” “Well, that would be great,” they said in disbelief. And then I asked them one of my favorite questions: “How often, and how well, does your team multitask?”