The Status Flow Blog
Is This Working? A Tool for Better Decision Making
Introducing a tool that simplifies the decision making process that can be applied to virtually anything in your life. Ask yourself "is this working?" The answer may be more surprising than you think.
Leading With Empathy and Understanding: The Importance of Community and Connection
In this post on leading with empathy and understanding, I’ll break down the importance of creating that sense of community and connection by fostering a vision rather than taking a position.
The Power of Balance: How to Tap into Your Feminine and Masculine Energy for Success
The balance between feminine and masculine energies has long been championed as a way to achieve success, both personally and professionally. The most successful leaders understand that they benefit from both energies in order to be their best.
Break Down Barriers by Visualizing the Possibilities
Being proactive means designing your future, and not just letting life happen to you. But it must start with visualization. What we focus on expands. Remember...Think Possibilities, Not Limitations. Learn More Today!
Send Your Life Soaring to New Heights
Have you ever been on a plane and wondered how it all works? This fascinating piece of machinery works because of many elements– internally and externally.And before you think “what is a pique-performance coach doing talking about airplanes?” know that this will have a direct connection to your life. Continue reading to find out how to keep flying high in life!
Life is a Reflection of Your Self-Concept
How you view yourself affects everything that happens in your life, and the reason why is simple: the way you see yourself determines what you pay attention to, and what you pay attention to determines what you think about and how you think about it. In other words, your self-concept -- the beliefs, thoughts, and expectations that make up who you are -- becomes your reality, regardless of whether or not it's based on facts.
Escaping Your Mental Prison
Some things may seem they’ve been thrown at us, while other things we’ve (sometimes unknowingly) brought upon ourselves.Our struggles, regardless of their origin, can lead us to believe that we are “trapped” and that our situations have sentenced us to an awful mental prison.Now, if you’re content being mentally imprisoned, then by all means, don’t read any further.But if you know deep down that there’s more to life than your current situation, then it’s time to take massive action and make a change.The prison of your mind is real—and it will hold you back until you decide to break free.Continue reading as we discuss these cranial confinements along with a few tips on how you can make your great escape...
3 Questions That Help Achieve Your 2022 Goals
Making New Year’s Resolutions is a great idea. And sometimes they help us to make changes. But more often than not, resolutions fail. And if you Google “how to succeed with your New Year’s resolution” you might get an answer count that looks like the national debt.([Pause.] Nope. I had to check and it came up with only 5,600,000.)Still, I’m guessing you don’t have time to read all of that. So I have another solution… a RE-solution if you will. (See what I did there?)Voltaire said, “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” So instead of Googling or trying to figure out answers on how to succeed in your resolutions, goals, etc., you can ask three questions…
4 Gifts
“We’re often afraid of looking at our shadow because we want to avoid the shame or embarrassment that comes along with admitting mistakes.” – Marianne WilliamsonListening to the radio, I heard two commercials in a row for “tax problem resolution.” This caught my attention because I was on my way to meet with a friend of mine for lunch who happens to be a professional dealing with tax issues.As we talked, I became acutely aware that although our industries are completely unrelated, our and many other businesses have much in common when it comes to what we need to do in order to close business and serve our clients.
Cleveland Browns
This is not going to be an article about football, so I’ll give you some quick info that you need to know to make my point. First, the Browns are currently winless this season (0 – 10). What’s worse is that they have only won 4 games in their last 42 going back to previous seasons. Who’s to blame?
How to remove the barriers to becoming a great leader
Remove the barriers to becoming anything you dream you can be. Just remove them. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were as easy as reading those words. In reality, it takes attention, willingness to change and a desire to get better (even if you’re not sick).
You can be right or you can be successful
Think about this for a second. Does it bring up any emotion? Now, take a step back and think about what you gain from being right. Instant gratification, a pat on the back?
Why Flow Matters for Executives
Top executives, business owners, professional athletes, celebrities, and politicians all have teams that help hone natural aptitudes and learned skills. On top of that, their support systems hold them accountable for achieving their best. Simply put, the best of the best don’t reach the top alone.
Why Women are Natural Born Leaders
The Gender - Leadership GapWhy is it that there are fewer female leaders than a male? While it can’t be ignored that gender equality has improved over time, we’re still a ways from true equality in the workplace. “Patriarchy is the psychopath of society”.
Do You Want To Be Right, Or Aligned?
“What’s your intention,” I asked. He told me that they are trying to grow the business. The campaign made sense, but the resources to do it simply weren’t available. So, in one sense, he was right. Unfortunately, he was also misaligned.The client had desired results of growth. Growing is a function of expansion, openness, abundance, or at least, "enoughness".
Secret Weapons
Watching Lynda Carter fly her invisible jet while watching Wonder Woman on TV as a kid, I was mesmerized. While I could say that the idea of an aircraft that was truly invisible was amazing or that I thought planes, in general, were just cool, it was most likely due to watching Lynda Carter run around in her Underoos.Be that as it may, she, and many others, had plenty of secret weapons. 007 had any number of toys. Superheros had abilities of which the villains were unaware and that helped our heroes win.