Is This Working? A Tool for Better Decision Making

Are you feeling bogged down? Not quite sure which moves to make when? In times of unsurety, being able to make the call on what’s working and what’s not working in your life is a tool that can greatly improve your mindset and trajectory.Asking yourself “is this working?” opens up your mind to new possibilities– to things that might’ve been shoved away by whatever “this” is. It’s one of the many ways you can begin to escape your mental prison and take control of your life.Maybe you’re deciding whether you should continue in a relationship. Or you don’t know if you want to keep that one shirt in your wardrobe (it’s a tough call sometimes!) Regardless of your choices, the principle remains the same.

Making the Choice

Let’s use the relationship example to test it out. If you’re bending over backward to keep things fresh yet feel exhausted that your efforts aren’t being valued, it may be time to end things. But if you both are willing to work on strengthening your bond, that’s something that you might consider keeping.Of course, many factors contribute to a choice of that magnitude, but asking the question “is this working” can get you started with the decision process.Using this method allows you to see things plainly, without the complication of numerous variables, so you can quickly judge what is working for you.An important note about this approach is that you should use it in a binary fashion. Either that shirt works with multiple pieces in your wardrobe, or you haven’t worn it in 5 years. Answer honestly, without overanalyzing.

Why This Works

This tool impacts your mental, physical and emotional space. Once you decide whether something is working or not, you will have the mental energy to focus on other things. Depending on what it is, your physical surroundings may change. The emotions that were tied to “this” may become easier to sort out once you make your choice. Remember the concept of “removing drag” from your life? This is how you do that.Rooting out your conflict will also give space for something new– something that may be better for your overall progression and growth.And if you decide that whatever it is works for you, you can move forward in confidence knowing that it’s worth sticking with.When used as a hard and fast rule, you strengthen your ability to make decisions quickly. You give yourself permission to progress as opposed to staying stagnant.

To Recap:

-Use in any situation that you’ve been deliberating on whether you should keep it or let go, such as:

  • relationships

  • job

  • habits

  • hobbies

  • business components

-Use it as a hard and fast rule– and stick to your answer!-If it’s working, keep it and let it build you up.-If it’s not working, get rid of it– it’s no longer serving you.Take some time to go through the things in your current situation that are weighing you down. Are they working for you?Figuring out what’s working for you throughout your various stages of life is a key component to moving forward. Game-time decisions change the course and outcome of a game, and it can be the same for your life. Don’t waste another second wondering or analyzing which direction you should go. Take the first step to your impossible by contacting Status Flow by calling 323-977-8766 or filling out our contact form here.

Go from status quo to Status Flow.


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